Nvidia has released the latest version of the PhysX SDK 3.0. For those not familiar with PhysX, it is a physics engine originally developed by Ageia for their range of physics extension cards.
In 2008 Ageia and PhysX were bought by Nvidia and they extended the engine to be able to run on CUDA enabled geForce graphics cards. The idea behind PhysX is that it allows some of the complex Physics calculations of games to be handled by the GPU rather than on the CPU and hence balancing the workload between the two. It is an extremely powerful physics engine and my favourite bit is that it’s absolutely free to download.
This latest release of the SDK is a significant re-write and exposes not only a number of new features but improves how some of the old features perform and also removes some legacy features.
There is improved multi-threading support, improved multi platform support with a unified code base, a reworked vehicle model, completely driverless, and many more features.
If you are looking to include a physics library to your game then I seriously recommend taking a look at the PhysX SDK. I have used the 2.x versions of the SDK in my brainstorm engine previously and I can’t wait to get up and running with 3.0.
Check out the Nvidia developer website for more information: http://developer.nvidia.com/physx-sdk-V30